9 Reasons to start Kick Boxing

Posted by atrapos 20/08/2024 0 Σχόλια Blog,
Kickboxing is one of the most famous combat sports of all time. It uses head movements, foot movements - kicks, and punches to form a very effective punching system. This system is also widely regarded as one of the most effective self-defense methods
Kickboxing has been at the heart of all combat sports for years and has produced some of the most popular athletes the world has ever seen. The power, ferocity, and technical knowledge of a high-level kickboxer in the ring never cease to amaze anyone who watches it.
Today, Atrapos Martial Arts reveals the 9 reasons why Kickboxing is the ideal combat sport.
 1) It is one of the most popular and most effective combat sports in the world
Kickboxing has been around for years, which makes it one of the most refined combat sports in history. Its constant testing in combat conditions between top athletes and professionals has also greatly increased its effectiveness on all levels.
2) It is effective for self-defense situations in real-life
There have been many stories of Kickboxers taking out robbers with a single punch. This is all a Kickboxer ever needs. A Kickboxer's hands are trained to throw punches with greater speed, accuracy and power than any other fighter. This is because Kickboxers are trained for one purpose: to punch effectively. And with the discipline of blocking, consistent head movements, and footwork, a Kickboxer isn't exactly the easiest target to hit.
3) Kickboxing is for everyone
Kickboxing is easy and simple to learn, making it an ideal combat sport or training option for anyone, regardless of age, gender, shape, or size. Whether for fun, fitness, or competition, Kickboxing also ensures safety and fairness for its practitioners.
4) It is the ultimate workout
A typical Kickboxing workout is said to help you burn 500-1000 calories! Kickboxing uses a clever combination of aerobic (oxygen-based) and anaerobic (short, oxygen-free breaks) to stimulate all your muscle groups to increase your cardiovascular performance and your body's fitness.
5) It will improve your motor skills
The footwork and hand-eye coordination involved in Kickboxing helps develop a practitioner's overall motor skills. People with good motor skills will have better reflexes and reaction time not only in Kickboxing but in all other physical activities. This will come in handy during old age, when coordination and balance decline, and the difficulty in walking can become more threatening.
6) Helps reduce stress
Sometimes stress makes us want to hit or break something. Nothing is better than being able to release all the stress that has built up from a difficult situation or a day at work. Don't worry, because Kickboxing is the ultimate method of dealing with stress. The physical workout and hitting the bags or gloves or kicks enhances one's ability to relax under pressure, acting as an excellent stress reliever.
7) Hardens you mentally and physically
As a Chess champion once said, "Kickboxing is like chess". Kickboxing sharpens your mind by promoting a strategic approach to attack and defense. Kickboxing training is also designed to toughen you mentally and physically, preparing you for those times when things don't go your way.
 8) It's one of the best striking bases even in MMA
Kickboxing is without a doubt one of the best striking bases in MMA. The unique offensive and defensive skills it provides cannot be found in any other martial art. This is why every great mixed martial arts athlete recognizes the importance of boxing in Kickboxing. 
9) It will help you excel in life
In Kickboxing, you are given the power to control your successes and failures, helping you build a sense of accountability that will also help you develop traits that include confidence, hard work, and sportsmanship. When the going gets tough, the only one who helps you overcome your struggles is you. The skills you use to develop yourself in training can help you excel and unleash your greatest potential in life as well.
Try Kickboxing today!
So are you convinced of how great Kickboxing is? Know this, the sport of Kickboxing is a lot like life, as Stallone once said - (Rocky) "It's not about how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can hit and keep moving forward. It's about how much you can take and keep moving forward." Kickboxing is truly an amazing martial art that will help you win tough battles to unleash the greatness within you!